Monday, August 3, 2009

Rehearsal Dinner

I thought I would also post pictures of the wedding festivities since everyone else was. I don't have any pictures from the actual wedding but here re some from the rehearsal dinner on Friday night.

Carla is not actually kissing or touching Kason's face here. We thought this was funny at the time. I know....we are dorks...Old roomies...

I wish this picture turned out better, but at least we got one of the three of us. :)

After eating some REALLY good food, it was time to pass out presents to the bridal party and for the bride and groom to exchange their gifts as well. Here Lauren just told Justin what she got him, a pair of cuff links with his grandfathers' initials in them. That way he would have them present on his wedding day as well.

Then it was Lauren's turn to get her presents from Justin, the other band to go along with her wedding rings. Good job brother! Her rings looks amazing together!

The kids also had some fun playing with each other.
And of course beating up on Uncle Justin.
We had a wonderful time! Thank you Justin and Lauren for letting us share this special day with you!

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