Saturday, December 22, 2007

Last Couple of Weeks

Wow! I can't believe I have not updated this "blog" thing since the 2nd of December! I will do my best to tell you everything that has happened in the last few weeks.

Back on the 10th, Brad and I had a doctor's appointment and they did our first ultra sound. It was amazing to see all the details! We could see the arms and legs, the heart beat and even the nose. At one point the baby turned a certain way and it look like it was stretching. Then the baby quickly went back into the fetal position.

While I was laying there looking at the screen, I could not believe that I was actually looking at MY baby. It was such a wonderful feeling, but at the same time...a little weird. I know that sounds like an odd thing to say, but I couldn't believe that something was living inside on me!

We have been pretty busy with the house lately. The brickers actually started yesterday and today the dry wall people are out there as well. At this point, I am just really for the darn thing to be done! It feels like we have been building this h
ouse for years and yet we have a while to go still. In reality, we should be done by the end of February which is not that far away.

I am now out of school for two weeks, well a week and a half for us teachers. I have to go back the 3rd but the students don't come back until the 7th.

For the first time in weeks...I was actually able to sleep for more than 6 hours last night. It felt good to sleep in this morning and get some things done around the house. I love it when the house is clean and the candle are lit. I know...I am a nerd. What can I say?

Well, I guess I am off to wrap a couple more presents before Brad gets home from work. I promise I will try to update this more often! Love all of you!

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