Here are a couple of pictures Brad took before our camera died. More pictures to come once I get them from other people...
We also got some really cool stuff! Aunt Sammy got Peanut the Baby Einstein bouncer, our neighbors gave us more room decorations, and Brad's dad bought us a car seat. We were excited to get all the wonderful presents. After we got home, we brought everything inside and sat down to see exactly what we still needed.
After looking at everything, the only big items we still needed were the crib, stroller, swing, and pack n' play. So, we went out to Babies R Us and order the crib, and hopefully it will be here this Friday so we can set it up! Brad's mom is getting us the pack n' play, and a co-worker of Brad's already said he wanted to get us the swing. So, in the next two weeks, Brad and I are going to go out and get the stroller and then all we should have left is the small, peddle stuff.
I am just getting soooooo excited now that everything is coming together. It is strange to say this, but now that we have a lot of the "baby gear" it feels like it is REALLY happening. Not to say that I didn't feel that way before, but I am just ready to get everything in order and to meet our precious little Peanut!!!
Thank you yall so very much for helping us prepare for Peanut. The support we have received from our family and friends has helped out extremely. Yall are the best!!!
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