This past week, Ladd has been staying with us since gas prices are so high and the trip back to College Station every night would cost a fortune! Yesterday, Ashley came into town to go to Ladd's company bowling thing. So of course, she stayed over here as well.
We mostly talked about the babies all night our backs hurt, what we eat, how excited we are, etc. Here is a picture we took since it just might be the last time BOTH of us would be pregnant....hopefully! :)
Other than talking about babies, we also watched Fool's Gold and the boys just HAD to fit in SEVERAL games of Ping Pong. I just don't understand why that game is so interesting to them. To me it would get boring, but not to them. They could stay out there for HOURS...and I am NOT joking! But we got to love them anyways...
After the movie, it was off to bed a little early. Brad had to wake up this morning around 3:30 to pour. Hopefully though, he will leave work a little early as well. We shall see...
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