Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bedtime Story

We are trying to do the same bedtime routine so Avery knows when it is time to go to bed. We first start off with her bath. Then we have some naked time (she has had a bad diaper rash off and on for the past 2 weeks) and then we pamper her to a baby massage before we put her into her nightgown. After that, we read a book....I think this is one of her favorite times. She is really getting interested in the books. She always tries and grab Elmo. I think she likes his red fur. :) After reading a book or two, she gets her bottle and it is off to bed.

Since I have laryngitis, Brad took over reading the book to her the other night so I could rest my voice. Isn't he such a GREAT Dad?!? Here are a few pictures I got of the two of them....

It just warms my heart to watch the two of them interact. I always knew Brad would be a wonderful Dad, but he just amazes me every day with her. I love you sweetheart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I love your new haircut! I also loved all the Christmas pictures! Avey is getting so big and she is so beautiful! I was going to tell you on trick that helps Kalie when she gets a rash is to pat her dry with a kleenex or cloth before you put on the diaper cream. Kalie gets rashes so easily so I just keep a box of kleenex by her changing area and we do that EVERY time! It helps a ton. I know a lot of Dr's say don't use powder but we also use that on top of the cream. Johnson makes a powder with cornstarch and that's what we really helps! Glad Avery is feeling better and I hope her rash goes away soon!!!!