Saturday, August 8, 2009

Avery's First Language

Signing benefits:
  • Promotes the development of language skills
  • Reinforces language skills already developed
  • Reduces frustration at not being able to express needs
  • Increase speed of spatial reasoning development
  • Develops understanding of language for communication of emotions
  • Creates feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment
  • May increase IQ
  • Increases creative thinking
  • Teaches a 2nd language that is formally recognized (ASL)
  • Reduces unexplainable emotional outbursts
  • Increases early literacy skills
  • Teaches baby how to start (and participate in) a conversation

After reading about all the benefits of teaching your baby to sign, Brad and I decided that we would teach Avery as soon as we could. We started working with her around April but she didn't really catch on until early June. Now she is signing on her own and learning more words everyday.

Some people think this is just another fad that Moms go through, but I totally disagree. It is never too earlier to learn! At this age, her brain is "soaking" up so much information and it is actually easier for her to learn a second language now than it would be later. Why wouldn't we teacher her sign?

With all this said, I tried this morning to catch her in the act of signing so everyone can see what I am talking about. I wish I could make my videos work, but at least you can see the pictures.

Here she is signing "eat".

This is a bad pictures of her, but it is the best I could get of her signing "please". (You are supposed to rub your belly, but when she is sitting down she just rubs her legs. Standing up she does it the right way.)
Here she is say "all done" by waving her hand in the air (like a double bye bye). We also use this when we are changing her diaper, taking a bath, shopping, etc.)

She also signs "more", "drink", "milk", and "bath" sometimes. We are currently working on "Mommy", "Daddy", and "thank you". We try to pick one or two words to teach her a week and we don't move on until she has mastered the sign. So far she is doing great! I am so proud of my little baby girl!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome job...and yes, it's amazing how fast they learn to sign!!! Stick with it, it's a great way to communicate! We started around the same time with Kalie and she says so much now but she still signs a lot of the time when she is saying words that she knows the signs for! I still introduce new signs for words she isn't saying and before you know it she is signing and saying the word! Isn't it so fun to watch them grow!!!!!