Monday, December 7, 2009

Preparing for Christmas!

I can't believe it has been 3 weeks since I posted last. I know...I am horrible! It is just been REALLY busy here at the Jameson house. For the past 2-3 weeks, Brad and myself have been working on getting ready for the craft show I was in this past weekend. Now that the craft show is over with, I feel like I have SOME time back...not much, but some...

So, last week, Brad and I were starting to put up our Christmas tree when I looked at Brad and told him we were buying a new tree. Since we have such tall ceiling now, our other 7 1/2 foot tree just looked too small. Brad went on craigslist and we about 4 hours later we came back with our new 9 1/2 foot tree! I was so excited!

I was NOT excited about decorating it though. It took us 3 days to get the whole tree up and decorated.

Day 1: Get the tree up

Day 2: Fluff the tree and fix the lights (they were blinking)

Day 3: Decorate the tree

Then this past weekend, it was time to take pictures for our Christmas cards. Of course Avery was not in the best of moods since she had 4 teeth come in, but we were able to get 1 good picture for our cards. Here are a few other ok ones.
Now it is time for Brad to put the outside light up. That is on the To-Do list for tomorrow. :)

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