It started off with Avery waking us up around 7:30. It was hilarious because she was crying as Brad held her in the hallway. As soon as she saw what Santa had brought her, she stopped crying and looked at me like "what in the world are all those toys doing out?" Her expression was so funny! She ran to her toys and started playing with everything!
She LOVES the new baby doll and stroller that Santa brought her!
At one point, she thought it would be a good idea if SHE got in the stroller....she soon learned that this was not the best idea...she almost fell out....
She decided she would just continue feeding her baby like she was supposed to.
After opening some presents from Mommy and Daddy, it was time for the stocking where she found more books, crayons, a set of Barbie car keys, a CD for the car, and some other small things. Santa is the BEST!
After we got everything cleaned up, it was time to head over to Lacey's house. There we had a light lunch and opened more presents from his side of the family. We also had time to ride around on Kaytlyn's new scooter.
Then everyone thought it was a good idea to see if present Taylor and Allison got Avery fit. We might be going to Colorado (where they live) to go skiing, so they bought her everything she would need while up there. Here she is in her new outfit...
My little snow bunny had a hard time picking things up off the ground though. It was FUNNY watching her try though!
Right before Taylor had to leave for the airport and for us to head to Conroe, we had to take a few pictures of the cousins in front of the tree.
Then it was off to Conroe to spend the evening with my side of the family. There was had an AMAZING dinner (it was so yummy!) and just had a wonderful time hanging out with the family. Aunt Carla even played lazer tag with Grayson! She is such a good aunt!
The men pretty much played pool outside the whole time.
And the girls were girls.....
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. I got everything I wanted....time with my family! Thank you all for making it so great for us!
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