Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tone and Mood

So one of the TEKS I am teaching right now is about tone and mood and why they are important in developing the plot of a story. My students have a hard time distinguishing the difference between the two. They don't understand how tone effects the mood. In order for them to understand this a little easier, I use the analogy of saying really mean things to your dog but in a positive tone. Since dogs only understand our tone and not the actual words we say, then they will react (mood) to our tone and not the words.

After talking about this in class, my students wanted to see Rudder perform. So of course, I got out my cool new camera and recorded Rudder reacting to my positive tone but mean words and then to my negative tone but nice words. In the video I even got him only going when I say "ok" in a specific way. If I don't say it right, he won't move. I have to have a very quick and strict tone before he actually responds to me saying the command.

To everyone else, this may seem like a really boring way to spend the night, but I found it so much fun! I love just finding ways to connect the material I am teaching to real-life examples. After watching this video, hopefully my kiddos will see that the tone affects the mood....I will let you know how it goes. :)


Taylor said...

That is really funny! I think I might use this tomorrow with some of my kiddos too!

Carla said...

Be prepared for tons of laughter with your students :) I love the lesson!!

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious!!! Taylor and I were sitting here cracking up. I guess we are kind of like your middle school students huh?! Good lesson.

Lauren said...

Love it!!! I told Justin to think about that before he talks to me! haha! Also, I gave you an award! : )