Thursday, March 11, 2010

Katy House

A few weeks ago, my parents closed on the house I grew up in. I was so happy for them, but at the same time it was extremely sad to think I would never go back "home" again. This was the place where Santa used to visit me, where I had swimming parties in the backyard, where my brothers and I would play sock wars in the game room, where I had my first kiss on the front porch, even where I was proposed to!

The night before the closing, Brad, Avery and I went over to help my dad get the last items out and to take pictures and videos of the home I lived in for 18 years. I want to be able to show my kiddos one day where Mommy used to play house, and the spot where Daddy and Mommy became engaged.

Here are two videos I took before we left. One is of the upstairs and the other downstairs...

This was the spot where Brad and I become engaged. It used to have this beautiful bench where Brad took me to look at the stars on the night of July 8, 2005. There he started talking about how much he loved me and how he couldn't imagine life without me. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife.... Now we have a 1 1/2 year old daughter and another on the way. How time flies....

Here are a few pictures of the backyard.

Some may think it is weird that I took a picture of a plant in the backyard, but this is more than just a plant. This is Mama's (don't really know how to spell this...) rose bush. Every spring, this rose bush would bloom these amazing red roses. It always reminded me of the past and the special connection I have to my family.

After taking pictures outside, it was time to go back in and finish up.

K-Dan is talking to Gigi on the phone...

After taking videos and pictures of the house, we had to help load some stuff into our cars. It was really hard to leave the house I grew up in for the very last time, but I will always remember the smiles and memories it created for our family.

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