So, come Friday night (the day before my birthday), Brad asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I SLEEP IN! If you are a will understand this simple request! Haha!
When Avery woke up Saturday morning at 6:15, Brad jumped out of bed to go get her. Then he made her breakfast and brought me breakfast in bed! I eventually got up to go watch TV with them around 7:30 though. It was very hard for me to just lay in bed while my family was awake. So, around 8:15, Brad told me that he was going to get Avery dressed and take her somewhere so that I could go lay back down for a bit. This is exactly what I did! I really do have the BEST husband in the world!
Come 9:45, I finally forced myself out of bed so that I could get dressed for Mayfest. Soon after that, Brad and Avery came home with flowers, an angle for my collection, and the most precious card ever! I almost cried when I read what Brad wrote.
Then we were off to Mayfest for a couple of hours. It turned out to be a gorgeous day and we were able to enjoy the celebration of God's work at the church. Avery became very tired though, so we had to leave to come home for nap time.
Just a few minutes after Avery went down for her nap, I see two people walking up to the door. It was Carla and Lauren!!! They decided to drive all the way down from CS to come and spend the day with me! I can't believe that I am so lucky to have the most amazing sister-in-laws ever. They took me to go get some snowcones (my FAVORITE) before coming back to the house to watch a girly Lifetime movie. I absolutely enjoy spending time with them.
We all started getting pretty hungry, so I decided we should all go to Willies Icehouse before they left for CS. Even Chelsea and Garett were able to joing us for dinner!
Overall, I had an amazing birthday. My caring husband let me sleep in and brought be breakfast in bed, my sisters took time out of their day to make mine special, and my daughter colored me a happy birthday picture. What more could a girl ask for?
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