Since Brad and I had the day off on Good Friday, we took that day to clean the house and do the yard so that it would be nice and pretty for Easter. It was a pretty low key day at home.
On Saturday morning, we got up and headed to the church for Avery's very first Easter Egg hunt. Before the big hunt, they had craft tables set up for all the kiddos. Avery really liked coloring and painting.
We even put a few flowers on the cross to help decorate it for Easter.
About this time, we saw the Easter bunny on the step of the stage taking pictures with the kids. I knew that Avery would probably be scared, but I wanted to try and get a pictures anyways....
Avery was pretty interested in the bunny though. She would stand about 15-20 feet away and just stare at it. Too cute!
She would pose with Mommy for a picture though. :)
There were only a few minutes until the Easter Egg Hunt, so we took the kids outside to play around a but before it started.
When the Egg Hunt did start, Avery wasn't quite sure what to do. She learned quickly though!
Then it was back home to east lunch and take a nap. Once Avery woke up, she was ready to go outside! It was such a beautiful day that she did NOT want to stay indoors. It didn't matter what she was doing, as long as she was outside. Since Daddy was actually washing his truck, this is what she decided she wanted to do. Yes, MY child had fun washing a car...what can I say.
On Sunday morning, we went to the 9:30 church service and then headed back home with Ladd, Ashley and Greyson to make some spagettii for lunch. The kiddos had so much fun playing while us adults cooked the food. Then it was nap time for both of the little ones. To be honest with you, Ladd went to take a nap in the guest bedroom during this time and the rest of us sat on the couch and watched TV. I wasn't feeling that great so this is EXACTLY what I wanted to do for a few hours. I never did fall asleep, but it was nice to just sit there for a little bit before the kids woke up.
The Easter Bunny came while Avery and Greyson were sleeping as well! I know we are bad for doing the Easter Bunny thing in the middle of the afternoon, but we didn't have time before church to do it. The good thing is Avery doesn't know the difference right now! Haha! :)
The Easter Bunny also left a bunch of eggs in the front yard for the kids to find too! Yea!
Then it was time to play with the sidewalk chalk that the Easter Bunny brought.
And of course Easter wouldn't have been complete if we didn't dye Easter Eggs. So, it was back inside and clothes off! :)
That evening Ashley had to go to work, but Ladd stayed here so the kids could play some more. They absolutely LOVE going for wagon rides!!!
And playing around in Old Red...
And picking flowers...
Before the day was over, I had to get a picture of Avery sitting by the cross in our yard. She would only let me take one, but it turned out great! I LOVE this picture!!!
Overall, we had a wonderful Easter even though I wasn't feeling that great all weekend. Jesus is so good to us!
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