Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Moving Week

I have been waiting for this week for a very long time now! And now it is FINALLY here...moving week!!! Everything is coming together this week. Yesterday Brad actually took off of work since there were so many trades coming out to the house. The tile guys did the back splash in the kitchen and also finished up the master bathroom, the plumbers set the tub, landscape was done, and many other little things all day long.

Needless to say...I am READY to move in. Today when I went there after school, it
was really hard to leave and come back here to this crap apartment. Plus, it doesn't help that the apartment is gross and extremely disorganized (since we are in the middle of packing).

Speaking of, I better get back to it. My goal is to have half of the kitchen packed before I head to bed. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I really want to go to bed early tonight.

Here are some pictures for everyone...enjoy!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

It is beautiful...I cannot wait to see it in person. I am angry that I have class this weekend.