Monday, July 7, 2008

New Camera

Whenever a woman has a child in my family, the husband is supposed to give the wife a "baby gift". I don't really know how this whole thing started, but hey...I am NOT going to complain! :)

So yesterday, Brad said that he wanted to go and get my baby gift. I didn't really know what to think. Apart of me just wanted him to surprise me with it in the hospital, but another part of me wanted to know what it was. So off we went...

When he pulled up to Circuit first thought was "Oh great...he is going to buy a new flat screen TV for our bedroom." But that wasn't the case.

For some time now, I have been wanting a "professional" camera (as I call them) just like my sisters and mom have. Every time we get together for an event, I am always jealous of their cameras. So, I always told myself that Brad and I would get one for our Christmas gift to each other.

Well, Brad had other plans in mind. He wanted me to be able to take all the pictures I wanted of Peanut, and therefore decided that he would get the camera for my gift. I was thrilled!

It didn't take us long before we had one picked out (we knew exactly what we wanted before we even went inside) and out the door. Now I will be able to be apart of the OCC (obsessive camera club as Brad likes to say) along with my sisters and mom.

Of course I had to come home and play with it. There are so many different things that it can I am going to give myself tutorials every night this week on the different functions. Here are just SOME of the pictures we took last night. You can REALLY tell the difference between the quality of the two cameras…

I am pretty excited about my new toy! I am off now to learn what other cool things it can do...

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