Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to Work/Anniversary

Today was the first day back to work for me. I had a DC/TL conference I had to attend. So, Brad took the day off of work so he could watch Avery.

It was EXTREMELY hard to leave her this morning. I thought th
at it wouldn't be so hard since I was leaving her with Brad for the first time, but that wasn't the case. I am sure it made it a little easier, but I still didn't like the idea of me being away from her all day long.

Daddy seem to like it though. I think he looked forward to having a whole day just with her. Plus, with it being our anniversary as well, he just enjoyed not being at work.

Brad kept saying that he was going to get some much accomplished today (put the cabinets in the garage, clean the dishes in the sink, laundry, drop papers off at the daycare, run some errands...) but I knew that wouldn't be the case. He always sets out to do so much, but soon realizes that he is not superman and can't do everything at once.

He did manage to get me a bouquet of flowers and a REALLY sweet card on his way home from the daycare. It was a treat to walk in the house and see flowers waiting for me on the bar. I also walked in to dishes still in the sink, towels on the floor, bottles and blankets on the bed, shoes/pants on the bathroom counter....). I guess Brad saw just how much I do doing the day.

While we were at dinner, he even made a comment about that. He told me that he got a little frustrated because he was trying to get dressed but didn't have a clean undershirt. Since I have been extremely busy the past few days, I havn't gotten around to doing the whites yet. He told me that while he was searching for a clean shirt, he became more aware of all the things he takes for granted...like clean clothes.

I just laughed and told him that I also take things for granted. Like having a loving husband that I know would do ANYTHING in the world for his family. I guess sometimes we just have to stop and look at all the wonderful things we have in our lives.

Happy 2nd Anniversary honey! I love you with all of my heart!!


Anonymous said...

help me.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!! Can you believe how much your life has changed in just 2 years! It's amazing! You are a beautiful couple! On another note, I know just how you feel leaving your sweet baby girl! It is one of the hardest things you will do in your life, at least I think so! Today was Kalie's first day at daycare. I cried when I left her and felt like such a crazy mom, even though I know I'm not. I was glad to be able to view her on the webcam but so sad to leave her after having such an amazing summer together. The one good thing is that it will get easier! It's hard going back to work but stay strong and know that you are not alone!