Sunday, August 17, 2008

Diaper Surprise

This evening, we thought it would be nice to have dinner over at our neighbor's house. So, we took the porkchops and beer over and had a good dinner. Afterwards, we were all sitting around when Avery decided to "shit herself" as Brad likes to say.

Needless to say, we had to run out of there so we could come home and clean our child. And yes...we did take pictures. That way everyone could share this experience.

Please note how it came up the front all over her chest and clothes...

Avery thought it was funny that Daddy had to clean her up...

And even got on Brad's shirt! :)

Oh the joys of parenthood! Wouldn't change it for the world...


Carla said...

Wow...I'm going to leave it at that.

Taylor said...

Good job Avery! And, I an so glad Daddy changed it for you!

Lauren said...

OMG! thats awful...not the poop part...the pictures of it!!! EWWW...

Anonymous said...


Lauren said...

p.s. what are you feeding her!?

moehnke.est.2009 said...

I was going to say the EXACT same thing Lauren said. WHAT R YALL FEEDING HER!! Good job Brad on the Diaper clean up!! Although I prolly wouldnt have even attempted to use wipies.. I wouldve gone straight to the sink and used the sprayer hose!!

GPaJameson said...

Ya'll are so wrong for posting this. I think she was sick.. did you take her to the emergency room? Wrong Wrong Wrong !

and a little gross !

GPaJameson said...


bmassey said...

After seeing these pictures James and I decided to put off having kids for another 10 years! :)