Taylor cooked us some breakfast and then we got dressed to go sledding. Avery didn't sleep too well, but she was STILL in a good mood. I think she was just excited being in a new place and seeing snow! She kept saying "snow," "Avery play snow?" all day long... Then she would tell us over and over again that the snow was cold. Too stinken cute huh????
Here she is all dressed and ready to go sledding.
Once we got to the sledding hill, Avery couldn't wait to go down the hill with Daddy. She laughed/smiled the whole way down!
Then it was time to go down with Uncle Taylor...
And back up again (this was my least favorite part...walking back UP the hill. It was very hard to breath since there the oxygen level is so low up there...)
Of course the "boys" had to go off the big jump a few times. Brad kept trying to "land" the jump by standing up afterwards. As you can see, it was a lot harder than he originally thought...
After a few tries...he FINALLY stuck the landing! Good job baby!
Then Brad and Taylor thought it would be a good idea for BOTH of them to go off the jump...TOGETHER. I have to admit...it was pretty funny to watch them! Haha!
Avery thought it was fun just to play in the snow...
The view from the sledding hill...
And then Aunt Allison thought it would be a good idea to put Avery's sunglasses on since she forgot hers at home. This is about the funniest thing I have ever seen! :)
Once we were tired from sledding, it was back home to eat some lunch and take a nap. After nap time, Avery had some fun playing with the balloons. It was too funny watching her run around throwing them up in the air.
Since we had so much fun in the morning, we decided to head back out to the sledding hill for another round. I didn't take any pictures, but I did take some more video of Brad trying to land on his feet after the jump.
After a few more runs on the sleds, it was time to head back home to start cooking dinner. Taylor cooked us shrimp fettuccine, which was good and then it was off to bed.
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