Saturday, August 21, 2010

Avery's First Day of School

Monday might be the first day of school for everyone else, but Avery's was LAST Monday since Mommy had to go back for Work Week. And what do you do on the first day of school? Take pictures of course!
Avery was jumping and wouldn't stop to take a picture. I guess she was excited to go to school! :)
I had to get a picture with my baby girl...

Waiting for Daddy to finish getting dressed so he could take her to school.

While waiting for Daddy, Avery decided to play with Rudder for a bit.

She doesn't like very happy in this picture, but this was the best one I could get of her just standing there by herself. All she was interested in doing was playing with Rudder or dancing. She did NOT want to pose for a picture. Oh well...

I can't believe my little girl is already 2 years old and that my summer with her is over. I LOVED staying at home with just her. Next summer I will have a 3 year old and a 7 month old to keep me busy. Wow...that sounds WEIRD! :)

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