Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Lead Me"

We are talking about the 7 deadly sins in Bible study right now and today's topic was the sin of lust. One of the questions today was, "In what way is sexual immorality in particular a sin against one's own body?" Now, when I read this I immediately thought of all the obvious answers, but someone brought up a great point. Genesis 2:24 says "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." Therefore, after you are married you always have to think about your spouse at all times. You become ONE. One mind, one soul, one with God. When you sin against your own body, you are also sinning against your spouse.

This got me thinking about marriage and love...

Even though that exciting, new and lustful feeling at the beginning of a relationship is great, I prefer what I have now with my husband. The sense of security, comfort and passion. We have been together for 7 years and just celebrated our 4th year anniversary and I can honestly say I love Brad more now than ever before.

Of course we have had our hard times, but through everything we have encountered, our love for each other has grown....especially in the past 3 years. Why in the past 3 years? Because that is when we started going to church and putting God first in our lives.

Ever since Brad and I started dating, I would always "push" him to go to church with me. Not that he was against going, he just wasn't excited about it. It wasn't until we found a church home that I started to see him grow spiritually. I am so very proud of the man Brad has become. Whenever I am down, he is the one I can always lean on. He is truly the rock of our family.

As I was getting ready for bed, I got onto Facebook and one of my coworkers had posted a link to a song called "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real. This song basically sums up everything I have been thinking about today. Take a moment to listen to it...

"Lead Me"

The story behind "Lead Me"...

As a wife/mother watching this video, I am sadden by the fact that some men have this feeling of obligation to be the "rock" for their family. As humans, we all go through tough times where we can't be the person we desire to be. Therefore, as a wife I must remember what the book of Genesis says...the man and women become ONE. When the husband can't be strong, the wife must "stand up" and be there for him.

To all my friends and family members who are wives...remember that you are now ONE with your husband. When he "can't do this alone," be there for him. Be is his support system, be his cheerleader, be the rock that he usually is for you.

On another note, I just wanted to thank my husband for being so supportive towards me. As I start a new school year full of changes, Brad has been right there beside me cheering me on. Not only has he helped me decorate my classroom, cleaned the house because I have been too busy to do it myself, but he has also taken Avery to school so that I could get a head start on my day at Truitt. These small things I often over look and take for granted because I have become used to our routine/lives together.

We all have a "wonderful like" just like the song says. So, I also challenge you tonight to stop and appreciate your spouse for everything they DO do for you. Don't focus on the things they do wrong or can improve on. God doesn't, so why should we?

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